
WoW! Did my Tennis Improve This Weekend — 6 Comments

  1. The fatso split step is fantastic i tried it and it works
    I,m only 148 lbs but I,m always start late
    this helps a lot

  2. Hi Tom:
    Yes, Mauro is a brilliant tennis master and yes this site is for more than fatties like me 🙂
    Keep watching for more tips. Mauro has promised to give me some more postings every so often.

  3. Coach Mauro and coach Kyril look like two very knowledgable coaches. A little jealous you get to spend so much time with them and learn all the secrets. Your blog has done wonders for my game, very helpful and great info that helped me improve the subtle parts of my game. Keep up the good work Tom.


  4. Indeed they both seem very knowledgeable and experienced. You are a lucky guy to have them right next to you! I can’t even if they wanted to, I live at Europe lol!