Never before seen tennis technique: Fatso Splitstep
30 Year tennis coaching veteran Coach Mauro Marcos invented a special technique just for our blog. Check it out below:
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30 Year tennis coaching veteran Coach Mauro Marcos invented a special technique just for our blog. Check it out below:
Maybe this will work for hip replacement players too? I just had a total hip replacement and I know when I am able to get back on the courts a full split step will not be something I can do.
I hope it works for your Vernon. Coach Mauro put a lot of thought into this and used me as a guinea pig to prove that it works.
Good luck with your recovery.
“I Know It Will Work For You For Sure”, Vernon!!
As you recoup back to shape, no doubt “Fatso Splitstep”
will help you get off the mark, and take your “1st step” way “faster” than if you cautiously just stay “flat out there and over protective” during all of your “post hip replacement comeback faze”. By instinct “you’d be flat”.
Of curse, start “slow”, with “mini-fatso-split’s”, and then build up slowly, making sure that you feel no pain.
G’luck getting back on d’courts soon, Tennis miss’s ya!!
Cheers!! SALUTEnnis!!
Coach Mauro
Haha! I like the fact that you are so confident with your body Tom and you sarcasm.
In topic, I found it logic: When your body does nothing it’s harder to have a fast ignite. But when you are already in motion your muscles are already “warmed up” and ready to work.
Think of this example: You have to start really fast because you hear there is only one slice of pizza left at your favourite pizza house.
Your car is a Yugo! It takes 10 seconds for it to start the engine.
What would it be better in order to get to the pizza house faster? To get in the Yugo and start the engine, or have already the engine running, just in case something like this happens, and just get in the car and begin?
LOL Having the Yugo running wouldn’t be good for the environment. Better to move next door to the pizza shop .
I’m a PTR Certified Tennis Pro, with over 30 years of experience teaching/coaching, and I’ve seen literally thousands of club players over the years. This DVD has the exact kind of tips needed if you are a little bit or even “hopelessly” out of shape.
Even if you aren’t totally out of shape and you’re looking for a large collection of tips and equipment that will help you this DVD has an enormous amount of information… over 3 hours long!
Tom covers lots of unique and little known gadgets and equipment for staying cool and avoiding injury. He explains court geometry and tactics extremely well. His motto is “run the other guy to death while you eat a piece of pizza”, lol, I loved that, funnyyy…
He shows drills to put pressure on your out of shape opponent and he explains drop shot and lob tactics too, and serving and return of serve techniques to run your opponent literally right into the fence. He covers way more than I can even fit in this review and I watched every single minute of his looooong 2 DVD set.
Tom has come up with a totally original approach to helping to deal with some of the problems that the overweight tennis lovers encounter on the court. Through this DVD, with an arsenal of tips that are right-on and so very useful, he will for sure help many players, “not just overweight”, to improve their game, and start winning more against any style of opponent!! Good Job Tom!! Cheers!! SALUTennis!! Coach Mauro