Inexpensive tennis serve radar gun
Now don’t go injuring yourself trying to get fast serve speeds if you aren’t in shape for it. But this little radar gun can tell you where you are now and show your improvement over time.
Being a cheap device, it has its drawbacks.
1. It sits in the court, so there is a possibility you will hit it with the ball.
2. The display goes off very quickly after you get your reading.
3. It is extremely angle sensitive and will give a different reading for a serve down the T than from the same speed serve aimed at the corner.
The brand I have is called a “SpeedTracX”. On the box it says it will work for Tennis, Hockey, Soccer, Baseball, Snow Skiing, Racquetball, Street Hockey, Speed Skating and In Line Skating.

An inexpensive radar device can help you see how fast your serves and ground strokes are travelling.
I was able to consistently keep my serve in the 70’s according to this device. What I don’t know is how this device compares to the devices used at a pro tournament. Obviously the quality isn’t as good, but what I’m wondering is what a pro radar device would read when this device reads 77 miles per hour.
This radar gun is positioned about the midway position of the service box. By the time sees the ball it is already 25 percent of the distance to it’s destination and the ball is already slowing down. I think (I’ll have to check this out) the pros are clocked as the ball leaves the racket. If that’s true, then my serve would probably be in the low 90s. Of course, I’m only guessing. If anyone wants to chime in here with some real info on radar guns, I’m all ears.
Oh, I forgot. The SpeedTracX will also clock your groundstrokes if you hit right over top of it. AND . . . .and this is a BIG “and”. The looser I would swing the faster the ball would go. Try to muscle it and the readings would plummet in the 50s.
Price: About $150.00