
Tennis Stroke Trainer — 5 Comments

  1. Pingback:Tennis Players and Pros: Have you ever used Hit-A-Way Tennis Training system? How about PracticeHit? | Tennis Training Aids

  2. I had one of these a few years ago, was great to use indoors on some rainy days or even out on the lawn when I had nobody to play with. Very portable and fun device.

  3. A friend of mine gifted it to me two years ago or something! Now I use it whenever it’s raining. I mostly use the thread-ball for acceleration practices

  4. Thanks for the great review Tom & we also appreciate the positive comments from your members.

    Please contact us at as we would like to discuss the possiblility of you doing a video review for us in exchange for some practichits for your site or members (possibly for a draw or contesting of some kind).

    Keep up the great work of promoting health & the great game of tennis.


    Graham Lloyd

    Manager of Marketing & Communications